Absolutely not. The writer took a two-line function that is obviously correct and turned it into a twenty-line function that has at least one defect in it(*) and is hard to evaluate.
YAGNI means "You Ain't Gonna Need It". It is very likely that those exceptions are never thrown, and if they are thrown, it will happen during development.
There's a general rule over all languages - do not catch exceptions you cannot handle. In this case you have no idea how to fix this issue so low down, so you should allow the calling code to deal with it.
Write all the code. Only catch exceptions you know how to handle and fix. Then see which actual exceptions bubble up to the end user and spend your time on making those 5% of the exceptions really clear.
(* - The defect is that the `.with_traceback` is just not needed at all - a simple `raise` works fine in, and preserves the original stack, but you don't even need that stack! I'd instead use `raise TypeError from None`)