Almost half a billion dollars and that’s just a downpayment?
Hey, I have an idea. Why not close it? The US military is the most expensive project in the entire history of mankind, and yet it’s also been a near-total failure. The US has lost each and every war and military action it has engaged in for a couple of decades now — fighting against Bronze Age peasants!
Why not save that $400 million dollar “down payment” and invest it in America’s future instead of flushing it down the toilet? America’s bridges, roads, tunnel, water and electrical systems are crumbling; America’s school are crumbling; Americans die each and every day from inability to afford medical treatment that is routine in other developed countries.
The US has spent $6 trillion dollars on warfare since 9/11 — that’s $6 million million dollars — and what do you have to show for it? And now they’re going to be asking for even more money “because climate change” — yet the US military is one of the largest if not the largest individual producer of greenhouse gasses in the world, and is exempt from pretty well all environmental laws.
America’s addicted to a drug, and that drug is war. More of the drug won’t fix what ails you — you need to quit.