And that's exactly what you get! But a cursory reading or a minute's attention to progressive goals has absolutely no value at all.
We actually have no idea if the country really does hate and fear progressive policies, because the Democrats don't actually try to sell it to anyone.
That you hold the ACA as some sort of example!
Obamacare was a tiny bandaid on a sucking chest wound. It still left America with the most expensive healthcare in the world with some of the worst outcomes. And it immediately collapsed when stressed - now there are more Americans uninsured than when Obama took office, because of Obama/Biden's insistence that healthcare be associated a job.
Single payer, m4a or anything similar were never discussed for even one second. In fact, the Obama Administration had single payer healthcare advocates arrested rather than let them speak. That he later apologized and said it was a mistake doesn't make it right.
It turned out of course that Obama had made secret deals with the pharma and insurance industries so no actual change was possible.
You're happy with nothing, and that's why you get nothing, and then you jump all over people who ask for something substantive as it reveals the emperor's new clothes.
The last thirty years of incremental change from the Democrats and dramatic change from the Republicans have brought the country to the brink of disaster. America needs dramatic change, or it will collapse. Please reconsider.