As a lapsed mathematician with a strong science background, I sadly agree.
People are incapable of, say, even the grossest statistical reasoning: two-pack-a-day smokers who won't fly and that sort of thing.
Right now, the country I'm living in has the highest COVID wastewater levels ever recorded here, and yet crickets from everyone concerned.
If people even bother to argue their positions, they are things like, "You can't live your life in fear", "It only affects old people", the usual guff.
if I were elected dictator, and I think I would do a much better job than these clowns, I would require that children have critical thinking courses in school, dealing with logic, statistics, and common fallacies. Despite my love for mathematics, I would willingly dump, say, geometry in favor of this, because not being a blithering idiot is much more important to the world than understanding Euclid's axioms.
I think I failed the level one idiot test though.