As usual, your reading skills are poor. I am not only not a Bernie Bro, I am not an American at all.
There are no “conspiracy theories” about Colorado or California. Perhaps this has changed since we started talking but as of a week ago, they officially still hadn’t reported their full results, only partial ones.
As I explained, but your reading skills are clearly extremely poor, Bloomberg made Biden look like the centrist candidate.
As usual, your abuse and insults have nothing to do with what I originally wrote.
You will write all sorts of crap, and yet you refuse to actually discuss my main argument, which is that Biden is a truly terrible candidate who of all the Democratic candidates is the least electable; because he has at the very least a bad speech impediment and possibly dementia; because for the last 60 years, the Democrats have never won with a “centrist” candidate and have only won with a “hope and change” candidate; and because he has a terrible voting record.
Biden is a terrible candidate with only one virtue — not being Trump. But “not Trump” did not win in 2016. If Biden does win, it will be entirely due to Trump self-destructing; and if Trump really does self-destruct, the DNC will drop in Pence and quite likely still win.