Ayahuasca is certainly an... exciting drug.
Though as is typical with me, my analytic head overrode a lot of the effects. The shaman who was running the group was quite puzzled, but others were overwhelmed and his time was mostly spent helping them out. We both felt I wasn't "blocking" and was very open to the drug. Aside from throwing up, which I was certainly well-prepared for, it was a good experience.
Later, he suggested that my brain instinctively tries to analyze what I see, and this reduced the effect. This rang true with me.
It was fascinating, though. I was told that you could ask yourself any question, and get a correct answer, and I found this to be so. I was just disappointed that the answers weren't surprising.
What's both funny and sad is that I have quite the pharmacopeia here now, including a quarter gram of lab-tested MDMA that was gifted to my wife and I, but I haven't had the slightest interest in taking them. The epidemic, and more, the climate emergency mean if I think deeply about the future, I just weep in despair.