Bernie is the most popular politician in America right now, so if you care about beating Trump, which all rational people do, you should be supporting him.
that is what a lot of Bernie voters did in 2016 by voting for Stein
A lot more Hillary supporters voted for McCain in 2008 than Bernie supporters who voted for Trump — source.
those Stein voters in WI, MI, and PA that supported Bernie would have stopped Trump if they could have held their ‘delicate’ noses just for one moment and voted for Hillary.
Bullshit — source.
This idea that some American Democrats have — that Green Party votes naturally belong to the Democrats, and that each election they lose is robbed from them by the Green Party — this idea is just pathetic.
In 2016, the Greens came in fourth. More, if you have ever been to a Green Party meeting, you will discover that many if not most of them simply never support either of the two main political parties. It’s not like they are frustrated Democrats waiting for their perfect candidate — they hate both parties.
(Note that I am not and have never been a US citizen, but I did attend several Green Party meetings when I lived in New York City, just to find out what was going on…)
Oh, and let me say one more thing. The idea that climate change and the environment is just some random issue of minor importance is dangerously irresponsible.
I’m going to get pretty rude here, but that’s because you need to pull your head out of your ass and get a sense of perspective.
A laser-like focus on preventing the destruction of our fucking planet has nothing to do with “perfect” because compared with climate change and the destruction of our ecosystem, we really shouldn’t give a flying fuck about any other issues at all.
In my lifetime, we have killed over half the non-domesticated mammals on Earth. We have killed over half the flying insects. We have killed over half the ocean creatures above the size of my hand.
And the last time the planet’s CO2 levels were this high, water levels were 60 feet higher than they are now.
If you think history is going to judge Obama as a saint and Trump as a devil, guess again. History will remember them both for one thing — failing to act on climate change.
Neville Chamberlain was actually a fine Prime Minister except for key mistake, but what do we remember about him except not acting against Hitler?
And it seems certain that unless we do something — and right now we are basically doing nothing — that climate change will kill far more people than the Nazis, Stalin, Mao, King Leopold and all the genocides in the twentieth century put together. Four billion people live in the tropics alone, and between deadly heatwaves and rising water levels, a large number of them will simply have nowhere to live. How will the world deal with hundreds of millions of climate change refugees? My guess is that most of them will simply die.
And it isn’t just the tropics. I grew up in London. I lived in New York City for thirty years. I am writing this from Amsterdam. Unless we lower our carbon levels, all three of those cities are doomed to destruction.
tl; dr: You are trying to tear down the most popular politician in America and objectively its best chance to defeat Trump based on a bunch of falsehoods and a complete lack of a sense of perspective on what is important.