Boomer here. My contemporaries can get fucked if you ask me. If I told you how easy we had it growing up, it's unclear whether your response would be despair or rage - both would be justified.
My first apartment was $235 a month, in the late 70s - in a major city. Minimum wage was $3.30, so with my girlfriend, we each had to work 35 hours a month to afford it (forgetting about taxes, which were quite low at that earning point).
Anyone who wanted a job, got it. If you had a modest lifestyle, you could live off a part-time job and work on your art.
Seeing how hard young people are forced to work now just to get the same lifestyle boggles my brain. In New York City, four adults frequently share a two-bedroom apartment, because they can't afford to live any other way.
We, the boomers, not only set up the destruction of the planet, we loom condescendingly over any attempt to make the world better and explain, "It's impossible, you stupid children - now go back to your penurious, insecure, overworked lives and don't bother us."