Chemtrails, QAnon, anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, Pizzagate — not really what you think of as signs of a “golden” era!
I’m struggling to think of even one positive result of people’s ability to anonymously express any idea, no matter how false or horrible, with absolutely no consequences to themselves.
I would describe this more as the fecal era of free expression.
“We are going to look back at the mid-2010s as the high-water mark of free speech online, and it is only downhill from here,” said Eric Goldman, a law professor at Santa Clara University and a champion of those legal protections.
Translation: “Thank goodness we used the magic power of Free Speech to restore America to sanity again after that turbulent Muslim in the White House.”
What a ridiculously one-sided story you wrote! There’s not even a hint that people might have perfectly good arguments for not wanting unlimited, consequence-free lies on their Internet 24–7.
Sorry, but no claps for your poorly-thought-out crap.