David Siegel writes, "I know nothing about climatology, and nothing about science. I can't solve a differential equation or set up a mathematical model. I couldn't solve the simplest physics problem to save my life.
"However, even though I'm deliberately ignorant on science, I know that nearly all the world's scientists are in a conspiracy to push a false science. I can't give any refutation for them, nor do I have any competing model - did you miss the part where I was a scientific illiterate? - but I know all of science is wrong because I am so veryveryveryvery smart, gaze on my brilliance o world!"
In fact, you're both completely ignorant, and a monster. I hope your experience the logical consequences of your psychopathy.
To continue, tell me how much energy a gram of carbon dioxide captures, and explain using numbers how an ever-increasing CO2 level would not kill the climate.
A bright high schooler could answer the first part of that question, maybe without even looking it up. I welcome seeing you prove your scientific skills!