Tom Ritchford
Oct 18, 2020


Funny, I lived in America for thirty years, and met all sort of people, and I met almost no far-left people at all - just right wing Democrats and far-right-wing Republicans.

"Women should have access to birth control" or "Gay people should be allowed to marry" are not "far left" beliefs - these are centrist beliefs all over the world. In Europe, where I now live, right-wing people share these beliefs with the left.

Here's an example of an actual left-wing viewpoint: "We should be nationalizing key industries and giving ownership to the workers."

What percentage of Americans are "far left" and expressing those views?

My theory is that this is less than 1%.

Certainly, you'll never hear anything left-wing from Biden, the Democratic candidate, who's gone out of his way over and over again to shit on even centrist ideas, like "Universal healthcare", "the Green New deal:? or "Following international law and not invading other innocent countries."

Overall, you seem extremely far to the right by world standards, and to be hoping for another Trump administration. You certainly aren't expressing any dismay that this might happen. It makes me question your sanity, and certainly your honesty.



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