Tom Ritchford
Jun 25, 2022


Here's a video of Hillary Clinton, laughing about an enemy being sodomized to death by a mob:

Remember when she touted her close personal connection with the delusional sociopath Henry Kissinger?

Remember when she was pushing for the first law banning gay marriage (the “Defense of Marriage Act”)?

She’s not stupid. She is incompetent. Tell me — what are her achievements? Destroying Welfare, with her husband? Refusing to campaign in the midwestern states that lost her the election, to canvass California over and over again, because she was focused on the meaningless popular vote? That one decision is in my mind the worst political error in US history.

That said, I agree that putting the transgender issue front and center is a bad idea. A hundred years from now, when our descendents live in a ruined biosphere, this will not be viewed favorably...



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