I agree completely with your article.
One person I know did actually inappropriately touch someone out of the blue and very much unwanted. He apologized on his knees with literally tears in his eyes, and almost thirty years later, he’s been the most perfect gentleman ever since.
But this was a special case. He’d always been a really decent person until then, but he was in the middle of living out a long-drawn-out medical tragedy which ended as expected. The way I see it is that after years of tears and hospital rooms and sleepless nights and massive bills, this decent person suffered a loss of impulse control, one which he never repeated.
Few if any of these prominent culprits have any such mitigating excuse. In all the cases, it isn’t just one incident, it’s many — and there’s an abuse of power theme.
Harvard’s Martha Stout has done considerable work to come up with an estimate of the number of sociopaths in America — 4%. That’s a lot of people who literally couldn’t care less if any other human lived or died. I assume most of the #MeToo culprits are in that category.