I am so glad I left America for a social democracy.
The Democrats have failed to deliver for generations now. Their energy only appears when they have progressives to crush.
Senior DNC management is wildly incompetent and should have been forced out after the catastrophe that was 2016.
No one forced Obama or Biden to be fossil fuel advocates or opponents of single payer. No one forced Clinton to destroy welfare or pass the first anti-gay marriage bill. No one forced Obama to bail out the banks while he left homeowners to twist in the wind.
Generations of the DNC blaming people for not voting for them hard enough, when every single time, progressive drag out their weary bones for vote for the latest entirely repugnant and disgusting candidate in order to beat the even more foul Republican.
Progressives come out in larger numbers than any demographic, don't you know, with the exception of senior citizens of course.
I've heard this, "It's the people's fault! You have to vote harder and more!" for fifty years now and yet periodically the Democrats win everything and yet deliver almost nothing.
After the 2016 debacle, Democrats should have occupied the DNC and not left until every single person in charge had resigned their position. There should have been an in-depth investigation as to how such an abject failure was possible, and the results made public.
Suggesting this at the time was met with active anger. "This is the worst time for that! We have to stand together!"
I strongly believe in anti-ablism, but a President with a speech impediment is like a pilot with glaucoma and yet in one of its greatest hours of peril, America has an old, inarticulate right-wing Democratic leader, flanked by other old, right-wing Democrats, with no apparent agenda and who is unable to pass any significant legislation at all.
It's like Democrats love failure.
If it weren't for the horrible consequences for a couple of hundred million innocent Americans, and for the world and the environment, it would be quite funny. Instead, it's unutterably tragic, not even in a noble way, but in a contemptible, spineless way.
So glad I left. You know, I hated the Republicans, but it was people like you who really convinced me that all hope was lost, because the Democrats needed to change completely and yet any change was completely thwarted for generations by the systematic crushing of any dissent or hint of progressiveness.