I am very sorry that that happened to you. It sounds devastating, and I'm glad you've kept your sense of humor.
I didn't find the right partner until I was over 50. Luckily, I hadn't married any of the others, though I had some narrow escapes that continue to haunt my nightmares.
Pro-tip - you can't bring up sex, including dirty jokes, until you've mostly sealed the deal. Dirty jokes rely on there already being some intimacy between you.
It's important therefore to have a lot to talk about early on that isn't sports or TV or movies or dirty jokes.
A job is always good, if you can make it interesting and bring out the details. Quite a lot of girls swoon over science, trust me on this one - it shows you are a solid person. A love of music or art will go a long way with anyone you talk to, particularly if you can talk about it with ease. Talking about travel and the world, even if you haven't been there, is also a great way to endear yourself to others.
Finally, it's important these days to eliminate people who are duds early. You need to check that you are politically compatible, that you have similar attitudes towards money and the rest of the world.
Maybe you don't want to go right to "eat the rich" or "libtards must die", but you might as well get the news to them as soon as possible in a polite and friendly way.
Women are worth the hassle, if you find the right one! Good luck.