I draw the line at this shit.
I start any code review I get as soon as possible, it's very important to me.
If there are more than a few errors, I point out the first few, hint that there are more, and nicely say, "Let's work on these first" and finish.
And if they refuse to fix serious issues, I simply refuse to continue. "I'm sorry, but I only do code reviews. You'll have to go elsewhere for a rubber stamp." And I don't budge. I'm as nice as possible, but I personally won't approve it.
In my last job, the boss overrode me on this and said we'd fix it in the next code review. What do you think happened? You guessed it - it never got fixed.
I sent out a code review to remove all the crap from that code right as I was being fired. It got rid of over a quarter of the code, fixed numerous issues, and documented parts of it. It was thrown away, of course.