I love comedy articles, and this one is comedy gold!
I almost spit coffee all over my screen when I got to the line, "the world which it has built".
The impression of being a yokel who is completely ignorant about both history and current events is just bang on.
The idea that China would attack the United States, a country which spends three times as much money on warfare, is equally funny.
The Chinese aren't stupid - they take the long view. They'll just wait for the US to collapse.
And given that the Republicans have publicly said that they will not certify any election that the Democrats win, and have placed key people into position to make sure that happens, given that they still claim to have won the previous election, given that they attempted an open, violent revolution and saw no consequences, most of us expect this to happen the next time the Democrats win the presidency, particularly if that candidate is a Black woman, which would make the Infected blow their minds.
America's collapse would probably be bad for the rest of us, but at least it would shut you guys up, and that would be worth a lot.
Excellent comedy article! I'd clap, except I think you're actually serious.