I see no attempt to actually run the numbers on this completely unrealistic plan.
Nor have you spent any energy in learning about the material.
"Subways that have to stop almost every couple of blocks will not be able to compete with such a system."
You might want to look into how existing subways handle this. You might also remember that a lot of people who use subways are old, sick, crippled or are mothers with children.
It is true however that if you don't build very many stops then building subways is a lot cheaper.
"It is clear just how much cheaper The Loop is than traditional public transportation."
Digging a tunnel in an uninhabited desert does not make it "clear" that this technique will be cheaper if it's used in a place where people live.
Finally, the idea that public transportation should haul whole cars around is so ridiculously stupid in a world where we desperately need to reduce our consumption that I would suspect it was a joke.
You seem to have no skepticism or critical sense at all. If you want to be even a mediocre engineer, you should remedy this immediately. The best engineers I know, and I've met some world class engineers, are extremely skeptical people.