I think this is sadly true everywhere.
At this point, most of my friends are vegan, not for any politically correct reason, but because they are on average more realistic about the world and have better politics, and someone who's willing to give things up for the hope of a better world is simply a better person to be around.
But they're young, and most of them haven't figured out how bad things really are, and I am certainly not going to tell them. They are trying as hard as they can to make the world a bit better, so they unlike most people deserve to have a bit of an illusion of hope. (And I think a lot of Gen Z has a pretty good idea of how bad things are, which is why suicide jokes are so common.)
Life was always finite and precarious! I was reflecting as I made my coffee this morning that if I had been given the choice to be born in time to see the end of the world, I probably would have said yes, and now here we are.
Do drop by if you are ever in Amsterdam. Our landlord is attempting to evict us, so who knows if we will have this big place in the long term?, but if we have a spare bedroom, it is yours.