I worked for Ripple Labs coding their XRP in C++ starting in 2014, so yes, I know about DAOs.
If humans aren't going to cooperate in order to save the planet, why would a blockchain make them do it?
Every year we pump more CO2 into the air, and the various blockchains are responsible for a small but very rapidly increasing portion of that.
DAOs are magical thinking. They have less than zero value. Where are the actual concrete results? There are none.
Around 2016, I realized that cryptocurrency had not yet generated any useful product except a lot of speculation and crime - money laundering, tax evasion, buying illegal goods over the Internet, and that sort of thing and left the field.
There still isn't any useful service cryptocurrency provides except speculation and crime.
You're young. You will live to see the horrible consequences of everyone's wildly irresponsibly thinking that the Magic Capitalism Fairy will stop destroying the world and pivot 180º to reduce consumption, reduce waste and reduce development - even though there is no money to be made in telling people to consume far less.
Degrowth is the only solution - reducing consumption, increasing reuse - and that is fundamentally incompatible with capitalism as it destroys economic value.
For example, we must leave nearly all the coal and oil in the ground to have any chance of avoiding catastrophic global heating, to 9ºF and above, which would devastate almost the entire planet. But deciding never to use that coal and oil destroys trillions of dollars of value in an instant.
Please reconsider.