If Jesus talked about homosexual sex, it would be an easy matter to provide a quote.
But you don't.
I do not believe Jesus talked about homosexual sex. Prove me wrong.
Your argument is this: "Jesus talked about immorality and everyone know homosexuality is immoral, so he was talking about gays."
In other words, he never said it.
It's so strange that Jesus is a God to you and yet is unable to make himself clear on this issue. Why is this?
I've read the Bible many times. Jesus is very very very clear about what his message is: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."
Remember John 8:7? This is explicitly about sexual immorality - an adulterer. Yet Jesus says not to judge.
You don't follow John 8:7 because you pick and choose the sections of the Bible you WANT to obey. You aren't a Christian - you're a person who wants to use the Bible to condemn others - as as vehicle for hating others.
> You may want to hear it, but LGBTQ+ community, in all age groups, has a higher rate of depression and suicide than outside of it.
And if you want to know why this is, simply look in the mirror.
Suppose people told you that were a sinner destined for Hell - and not because you cheated people, or stole, or lied, or committed violence, but simply because of who you were - because of how you were born, because of who you were attracted to.
Of course when millions of people like you tell gay people that they are, in the immortal words of the respected Christian Anita Bryant, "human garbage", then some of them kill themselves.
No one chooses to be gay. You might never have talked to a gay person in any non-judgemental way, but I certainly have. In my experience most gay people, if given a choice, would have been heterosexual.
I've talked to many gay people who spent years trying not to be gay - who would literally pray to God every single day to take the gay away from them - who spent years living a lie and believing they were hated by God because they could not change who they were.
I'm curious - what are your feelings about Donald Trump? He's a proud adulterer who has cheated on all three of his wives. He relentlessly lies - he even contradicts himself during a single sentence. He claims to be the best at everything. He claims to be a devout Christian and yet is unable to name even a single book of the Bible, or to quote a single verse from it.
And yet Christians seem to love this evil man. What do you think of him?