Tom Ritchford
2 min readJun 4, 2021


"If you are competent enough to pass a coding test, that logically shows you have no creativity at all."

Tell me - why would anyone, anyone at all, find this argument convincing? Comparing code tests to racism! - I'd believe this was a parody, except I've read your work before.

ALSO: 98% of the time, your project is nothing special and not particularly original. 98% of programming tasks require competence and the ability to code and absolutely no need to "think out of the box".

Don't get me wrong - I'm a compulsive "out of the box" idea generator, and well-known everywhere I worked for this. However, most of my "out of the box" ideas I keep to myself and test out in my spare time, because usually "out of the box" ideas are wrong, by their very nature.

I have had much more trouble working code written by people who compulsively think out of the box and think they're brilliant, than people who think of themselves as competent. For example, in my last job, the boss would go off on endless flights of fantasy. He had a "foveal code theory" which means that he would break his code at the first legal spot after 40 characters. He had a complex naming convention for local variables which wasn't documented anywhere, but we had to know, because it was "obvious".

For example, `sled` stood for "serialized ledger entry"... ah, something that started with d. Now, it turned out that this thing was not either a "ledger entry" nor did it get "serialized" but it was part of his whole out of the box naming convention.

Give me competence any day over people who think they're God's gift to creativity.

It's funny - Medium shows me your articles all the time and every time, they are worthless drivel like this. Why do you write these? What's the point?



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