I'm completely against the various fraudulent recounts. It's obviously a scam by Republicans who refuse to admit that their incompetent idiot who managed to completely fuck up on COVID-19 lost.
But that said, the statement above, that the voting systems are designed in such a way that tampering is indetectable, should raise a bright red flag to anyone.
When they say something like, "It's impossible to tell if the machine has been infected with malicious software", why isn't everyone involved fired immediately?
We have had systems for verifying the integrity of software images for decades now - simple, free systems based on open-source software that anyone can use or adapt to their own ends and never pay a penny.
Am I suggesting that the Democrats are somehow cheating? Hell, no! It's the Republicans who own the voting machine companies.
You know, I now live in the Netherlands, where the government is totally online. All government departments use the same ID system, so you only have one account. Your privacy is protected, and yet you can, for example, take a picture of dumped trash and pin it to a map, and within hours, someone will come and pick it up.
And yet the Netherlands has only paper ballots.
Why? Because independent voting experts here carefully analyzed the state-of-the-art systems about fifteen years ago and concluded, correctly, that the technology was not there yet to do reliable electronic voting.
Let me repeat - the Netherlands is very much in favor of computerizing all aspects of the government, and yet they decided not to computerize voting, because there was no safe way to do it at the time.
I suspect that one day we will have electronic ballots, but if we do, the software and hardware will be open source, cryptographically verified, and the machines will NOT be made by companies controlled by one political party.