I’m sorry, this just is not true.
I live in Amsterdam and I travel to Berlin often — the last time a few weeks ago.
I can’t imagine biking in Berlin. Bike paths are mostly not separated from the street at all by anything except paint. Most places appear to have none. Cars relentlessly park on the bike paths, and bicyclists retaliate by riding on the sidewalk.
We brought our two small dogs and I can’t count the number of times a bike came whizzing around the corner on the bike path and almost hit them, even though we had them on a very tight leash (because of the bikes).
Half the people are wearing helmets. I’d wear a helmet too. No one wears a helmet here.
I see that Berlin is often labelled the 15th most bike friendly large city in the world (with Copenhagen at the top and Amsterdam second). I’m a little skeptical about that — for example, they don’t include any Canadian cities, yet Ottawa is a very bike-friendly city indeed (and I have been told that other cities are too, but I haven’t seen for myself). But even if it’s true, that puts you guys way below…