It makes it far less important though, as it's a tiny problem, compared to the huge problem of wage theft. I mean, wage theft is ten times as large as all other theft put together, and only a tiny portion of the other theft is looting!
And you can't make the argument, "If the people looting simply got a job they could earn the things they want."
Don't get me wrong - I'm not pro-looting, but such behavior is the logical consequence of the actions of a tiny number of billionaires who have looted the system from the inside for generations, in the same way that if you duct tape a kettle full of water and put it on the stove, it will eventually explode.
And above and beyond this, we have the climate catastrophe, orders of magnitude worse than all the theft, tax evasion and looting put together, because we are going to kill a million non-humans species and a lot of the biosphere, as well as large chunks of humanity.
The rich point to a tiny number of looters to distract us while their deliberate actions destroy a future for absolutely everyone — as you point out in your article, of course.
Good writing in general, accept claps!!