It’s 2019. You’re a science journalist!
Any article that talks about flying tiny numbers of passengers in vehicles that emit huge amounts of greenhouse gasses and doesn’t mention the word “climate” or “environment” is… well, I can’t find a better phrase for it than
“fucked up”.
The idea that this will be accomplished by “electric helicopters” in the future is a pipe dream. As of today, there is no battery technology at all close to being able to deliver the power to weight ratio that would be needed. Batteries would need to be at least twice as efficient as they are now if not a lot more, and considering that battery efficiency increases just a few percent a year, it will be decades at least before this is plausible.
And we don’t have decades. We have thirty years to decrease our greenhouse gasses by 90%, or we bake and drown, and we take literally a million species with us.
Businesses like this, which allow the very rich a little more convenience in exchange for a huge amount of destruction to the planet, should be banned by law.
This idea is an obscenity. How you can write this calm, cheerful article and never even mention the consequence to the planet is beyond me.