I've been in the business for about 40 years now and yet I think I've had fewer interviews than you have!
All these companies are also morally and ethically bankrupt organizations - Amazon and Uber particularly. Both of them contacted me about jobs, Amazon three times until I stopped being polite and let them have it.
It's no wonder they also do cargo-cult interviewing.
"The STAR technique" is, I guess, useful for mediocrities to evaluate other mediocrities.
But I have given certainly hundreds and perhaps over a thousand interviews, partly because I'm very friendly and cheerful and get the best out of people - I've lost track of the number of people who've contacted me to say how much they learned in my interview! - but also good at ferreting out people's weaknesses.
"The STAR technique" will show you only if someone else studied your same worthless interviewing technique, and says nothing about their ability to write good code, to work well with others, to catch their mistakes and other people's mistakes, and the like.