Just discovered your work!
While I agree with your analysis of the problem, I very unfortunately feel it's unlikely that there will be any great change arising from this specific event. I wish it were not so.
For a decade and more, I used to say, "America won't change until bodies littered the streets." But discovered I was wrong during the W administration, when bodies littered the streets of two of great American cities and still nothing changed.
In fact, America next got a President who promised change but delivered no real change.
The ACA was the best thing the Obama administration brought, and yet it didn’t fix anything — America still had the most expensive healthcare with some of the worst outcomes in the developed world, tens of millions were still not covered by any form of healthcare, people routinely died or ended up homeless due to medical costs. And we had to deal with drones and targeted assassinations of US citizens, fracking, completely forgiving Wall Street for its thousands of felonies, the Bush Administration for its hundreds of thousands of war crimes, Syria, Libya, Yemen…
Obama was great for people who owned stocks, but for the poorest 50% of Americans, there was no change at all.
And then back to someone even worse than Bush, because he promised to wind the clock back to when America was great.
And yet even my liberal friends are still unable to see the fundamental change was necessary. The number of arguments I have had with them where they justify the electoral college! I’m like, “Ah, one person, one vote, what’s your problem?” but they go all “It’s unfair to the tiny little states” — which act politically as though they are ruled by short-sighted psychopaths. They think Biden is going to be their general who will ride into action and lead them into a new age.
I mean, this was somewhat embarrassing when it was center-right Hillary, but at least she was high-energy and a good speaker. Maybe we could have worked with her.
But Biden? It makes my heart sink. Biden will resist change to his last breath (and yes, we all wonder how soon this might actually happen). When the “leader” of the “left” tells reporters that COVID has convinced him how Medicare For All is a bad idea, it’s hard not to despair.
So I now see America like your friend with the serious drinking problem. He says he’ll cut down, and he drinks a little less on some weekdays sometimes but until he ends up losing everything he is not going to stop.