Let me get this straight.
He killed six Asian women, and two non-Asian women, and you claim that the shooting of two non-Asian women proves that this isn't a hate crime?
That's some strong levels of delusion there, bucko!
Tell me - if you selected eight people at random, what are the chances that all eight of them are women? What are the chances that six out of eight of those women are Asian?
This whole "Let's give this mass murderer the benefit of the doubt" line is bullshit.
And looking at your top post on Medium right now, a post which can be summarized as, "It's unfair that I as a white person can't call a Black person a nigger," it's pretty clear why you are spreading this bullshit.
tl; dr: your post was bad, and should you feel bad, but you won't, because you're morally and ethically bankrupt.