Let's focus on this for the moment.
Why exactly where these prominent doctors and nurses breaking the law? Do you think they were bored? Looking to fuck shit up, or wanting to have an arrest on their record?
If you were interested, you might look up their long and documented attempt to get any mention at all of single payer, medicare-for-all or any system remotely like the socialized medical systems that are universal everywhere else in the world into the discussions of the ACA.
Even if Obama didn't want or expect to get single payer, he should have brought it out as a possibility simply to ask for more than he could get.
In the ACA, Obama started off asking for little, and didn't even get that. He was interested in checking off a win on his scorecard, not revolutionizing a collapsing healthcare system, and we see the results of his bunt in the deplorable state of the US medical system as this moment.
Overall, the idea that Democrats should refuse to do X because it might be labelled socialism is very strange, since anyone not on a Zen meditation retreat for the last twenty years would have noticed that every single policy that the Democrats propose is branded with the socialism label!
Like everything I hear from mainstream Democrats, it's a series of arguments justifying generations of inaction and its inevitable consequence, failure.
It should be obvious to anyone that America needs major reform from top-to-bottom even to survive another generation. Deep, systemic issues have festered over generations. Now everything is in freefall.
Your argument is this: "We can't even propose solutions to any of these issues, because of the Republicans." Have you ever heard of learned helplessness?
Good luck with your strategy of tiny little steps that no one could ever object to. Surprise — your enemies will fight just as hard to prevent your tiny meaningless victories as they would for huge things that would change people’s lives.
Indeed, this is why I left America — because all the Sensible, Serious People such as yourself told me in no uncertain terms how no significant change would ever be possible, and over the decades, I started to realize that this was a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I'm just curious - how do you get up in the morning?
Do you say, "Oh, well, I never believed in this America thing anyway," or, "It will all fix itself with the help of the Invisible Hand," or, "Biden will reveal himself as the new Eugene Debs"; or do you try not to think about it, tell yourself that this is the best of all possible worlds and go to work singing the theme song from Team America?