Lots of trouble with your article.
1. A wildly unrealistic time frame.
2. The assumption that BCI's will magically cure all depression, when there's no evidence that this is so.
and even worse:
3. The idea that all depression is caused by some flaw in people's brains that can be fixed with a machine!
Has it not occurred to you that so many people are "depressed" today because of actual, real-world problems that they have no solution to?
Suppose you're in the bottom 40% of poorest Americans. America has almost no social mobility. Some small number of these poor Americans will rise to have a comfortable life, but nearly all of them will stay right where they are for the rest of their lives - with a series of insecure, brutal jobs that don't pay much to live.
And many Americans who are not poor are in a similar boat. Amazon pays engineers $200K, but works them 60 hours a week, and they are in constant fear of being fired if their "performance" slips for any reason. Some of the most strung out Americans I ever met were in the top 1% of humanity's richest people.
Putting a machine in their brains - if they could even afford it - wouldn't fix anything about their shitty, miserable, hopeless, desperate lives.
Well-written, but sorry, no claps.