My wise mother said that Christianity was valuable because it gave suffering meaning (amongst other reasons), but abusing children is like Satan's inversion of that idea. (I don't believe in Satan, Hell, or those sorts of things, but I can certainly see the attraction given the gloating iniquity we see every day.)
Are you familiar with Ted Chiang's astonishing story, "Hell Is The Absence of God"? I won't give you the Wikipedia reference because spoilers, but it's in my mind the greatest contemporary piece of fiction about Christian theology.
If you haven't read it, run do not walk to your nearest vendor of weird tales to get it.
Ted Chiang has a tiny output, but each story has taken the SF/fantasy world by storm, like James Tiptree, Jr or Cordwainer Smith (after a few fairly regular early stories).
Interesting coincidence that both of these last two names are deliberate falsehoods to conceal identity, in one case their gender, in the other case their job.
(OK, here it is, but don't read the plot description!)