New York City has always been bad for peeing.
I mean, I lived in New York City for 32 years, and not one of those years went by without me having to desperately pee, and not finding a place to let me do it in.
The worst was once when I going uptown to the 235th Street 1 train stop, where I lived at the time.
It was the middle of the night. The train kept stopping for several minutes at a time between stops, with no announcement. Somewhere around 180th street, I just ran out of the train, ran to the very far edge of the platform, and committed a misdemeanor.
I was embarrassed, but the other choice was peeing in a subway car.
Amsterdam, where I now live, used to have male urinals and female toilets, but the female ones all got closed off in the 70s because of hard drug use, and never reopened. It is teh sadness.