No, you aren't right.
Your "theory" makes no predictions that we can check to see if it's true or false. Your "theory" offers no equations or mathematics.
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation perfectly predicted everything from ballistics to airplanes to the motion of the planets. When we got clever enough to accurately measure the motion of Mercury, we found that Newton's Law of Gravitation was slightly off off - it turned out that it in high gravitational gradients and at very large scales and speeds, General Relativity, of which Newton is a special case, is the complete theory.
We were able to do this because Newton's Law offered very very specific, testable predictions.
Your "theory" does not. It isn't even wrong or right - it's not a theory at all but a story, like Star Wars or something.
You probably notice a lot of grumpy responses, including mine.
But Newton was one of the greatest minds of all time. He discovered both the Laws of Motion and then later the Law of Universal Gravitation. He co-invented differential calculus to represent the Laws of Motion, and then integral calculus just to prove one small part of the Law of Universal Gravitation (that a mass has the same gravitational and inertial behavior as a point with that mass as the center of gravity).
You haven't even bothered to learn anything of Newton's Laws at all - you've just decided he's wrong, because intuition.
Millions of people who have actually buckled down and learned this fascinating and thrilling material over the last 400 years, but you have just skipped that, to declare all of it worthless sight unseen.
We read your article, and we are reminded of another famous public figure who loves to claim that he's the best in the world in fields that he actually has no knowledge of at all, and we fume.