Oh, you missed my favorite Einstein violin story.
Einstein was, according to contemporary accounts, quite a fine violinist. Once when he was famous he performed at a charity benefit and a reporter who was watching whispered to someone there, “Who’s that playing?” to which he got the reply, “That is the great Einstein!”
So the next morning the newspaper came out with a story about Einstein, the famous violin virtuoso, playing at a benefit.
Einstein not only saw the story, he cut out the article and kept it in his wallet, and for years when people would rave about his physics, he’d whip out the clipping and say, “No, actually I’m a virtuoso violinist.”
Einstein had an rather sly sense of humor in general and it shines through in his writing: “If A equals success, then the formula is: A=X+Y+Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut.”
Thanks for yet another fine article!