Pretending that everything's going to be fine, ignoring the massive flaws in your candidate, and screaming at anyone criticizing them to shut up - how did that work for you in 2016?
And Clinton was a far, far better candidate than Biden is. She was not a good candidate by any means - emphasizing the meaningless popular vote over winning the election and ignoring the midwestern states that ultimately lost her the election because of it has to be the greatest unforced error in US politics in my lifetime.
But she is a strong public speaker, forceful, with a lot of energy. And Biden's a doddering old racist with a speech impediment and a decades long record of inappropriate touch whose campaign slogan appears to be "Out of sight, out of mind."
Somehow, you think the Democratic Party's very limp support for Biden is some sort of suicide pact.
There's still a chance not to lose. Biden could step down and a candidate who might actually win could run - a candidate who could appeal to the poorest 50% of America better than Trump does.
It won't be the progressives who let you down. In 2016, progressives showed up in higher numbers to vote for President like always, high numbers than any demographic except senior citizens, who are always the highest demo. for both R and D.
You're already setting up to blame progressives for the defeat you are engineering. But it's my theory that, just like 2016, the people who won't show up are the underprivileged, the marginal, and people of color, who rationally feel that neither party offers them anything.
Good luck with your strategy of running the world Presidential candidate in my lifetime and then screaming at people when they point out that the emperor has no clothes. I expect that that will work just as well for you in 2020 as it did last time.