Quibble: the Netherlands is good to at least 50cm of sea level rise, because of the Delta Works. Possibly we will be fine at 2 feet, but not for much longer.
Amsterdam is 750 years old, but in 100 years it will certainly be gone. It makes me very sad, as it's one of the more beautiful things humans have made.
I got the message over 20 years ago, and I thought I was a latecomer. I have no kids, I have never owned a car, I have a plant-based diet, I haven't flown in years, I thought everybody would do this, but no, people doubled down and without individuals buying into reducing our consumption, I cannot see how institutions are going to take the lead.
To be honest, as we go on, I don't see this is a terrible accident, but something inevitable that was not going to be avoided. No one was actually going to give up their standard of living in order to prevent some sciencey catastrophe from happening to their grandchildren. But it doesn't make it feel any better.