So you haven't learned anything.
You are still a conservative, you just don't like the logical consequences of your belief system.
(There's no evidence for any of your beliefs, either. The economy grew fastest for longest during the time between the 40s and the 70s when America had far higher taxes than now, for example.)
This whole "unlike any other system of government or country yet conceived" thing - is this for real? Your country is literally imploding because of your inferior system of government by men, not laws.
because almost every single one is anathema to what Republicans — and you — have talked about my entire life.
How long is your life?
I'm almost 60 and I remember Nixon. I remember Reagan. Surely you are old enough to remember Bush and Cheney telling a pack of lies to get America into a war that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people and more Americans than 9/11?
When was this magical time when Republicans didn’t spew hate at every opportunity?
No, Republicans have been that way since Nixon. They've talked that way since Newt Gingrich.
This idea that being hateful lying psychopaths started with Trump is just false to the fact. It gives you cover for the fact that you caused Trump - you and all the other Republicans - by voting again and again for hateful, racist war criminals.
America is a great nation. The world depends on us being great.
Rest of the world here. No, we don't. Get over yourselves, already. It’s just embarrassing now.
In fact, your reactionary politics, your disdain for international law and your terrible environmental and labor standards are holding the rest of us back.
Until Americans get some sort of clue, learn to learn from their mistakes, you're going vacillate between between Fascist-lite (that's you) and Fascist until the wheels fall off.