Tom Ritchford
2 min readSep 24, 2021


(“Stalinism” or rather just Stalin didn’t kill very many Russians until after the war, though of course I know he was sending soldiers to camps even if they were surrounded temporarily and fought free.)

I agree Salafism is a threat.

I disagree that they are anywhere near the magnitude of the Nazis, particularly given that the problem only exists because it’s convenient for the West to exist.

Look at your list of countries again. All of them put together have a GDP significantly less than California.

Their total military budgets are less than 10% the military budget of just the United States, and if you took out Saudi Arabia, a nominal ally of the US, it would be less than 2%.

On the other time, at the start of World War 2, the Nazis had a somewhat larger and more technologically advanced military than the United States did, though the US pulled even around 1941 and then never looked back.

And, as I keep pointing out, these guys are using weapons we sold them, unlike the Germans, who have manufactured superior weapons for centuries.

If our lords and masters cared to, or even just the US, the Salafists would vanish overnight, if they just set up a hard line on weapons exports and used its trade powers to stop other countries from participating.

That’s what you should be advocating for not, ah, well, you aren’t advocating for anything except we should be frightened, are you?

I think most people will read your work as meaning, “We should spend more money on the military and continue to get involved in foreign wars in the Middle East,” and not, “We should prevent the West from selling weapons to these losers and the problem will go away.”



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