Thanks for a kind response!
But I think on the contrary, you missed my point - it's that everyone admits that we have to give up something, something, to combat the climate emergency, but yet their specific thing is never on the chopping block.
Factory farms have not existed for millennia - they aren't much older than I am.
Meat farming like what you describe is literally a fraction of one percent of the meat eaten in America - source. It's entirely unreasonable to claim that your farm is in any way typical of meat production in America.
Americans eat about 275 pounds of meat a year per capita. This is not "millennial" stuff - this is wildly abnormal for the human animal over almost all times and places.
Almost everyone agrees that parabolically increasing temperature are a threat to everyone - that something must be done!
But when it comes to their specific area, whatever it is, no, no, no! It can't be touched!
Cruise ships, rockets, sports cars, meat - whenever you get to a specific thing, it's too small, or too essential, or promises something amazing in the far future. If we can't kill billions of animals a year in great meat factories then our very soul is threatened!
Don't worry, though. You'll win. No one will touch your precious meat, or America's cruises or gasoline cars, or dickwaving rocket stunts, or try to limit expansion in cities like Las Vegas or Phoenix that are wildly unsustainable and an environmental abomination.
How could we crush your soul by even questioning your human right to eat as much meat as you can, to live in such a place and manner that you ravage the Earth simply with your daily existence, or to travel to exotic countries to buy disposable fast fashion made thousands of miles away by miserable peons, while emitting as much pollution as an entire city - and how could we attempt to do this terrible thing to you, simply we because we wanted not to devastate our entire biosphere for all our descendents for all generations to come?
Forgive us, o ambassador of freedom, for possibly suggesting that your precious Choice might be abridged!
Of course you are right - future generations and a million non-human species are already completely and permanently fucked, doomed already by our criminally poor choices for the last three generations, so fucking them over, more and more, just so we can keep our souls rich is of course the only solution for all concerned.
And I might add — this isn’t aimed at you personally but a wide spread of humanity who pretends to understand how completely fucked we are but resolutely refuses to do the slightest thing about it other than spend 5% more to buy a package with a green stamp on the label. Please forgive the impassioned language, but Jesus fucking Christ, it’s almost game over and we are doing nothing.