The concept that "disruptive innovation" is a good thing is one of the worst ideas to come out of the twentieth century.
Typically, the people getting disrupted are the working poor, and the people profiting are the 0.1%.
America has had "disruptive innovation" for thirty years now, and the result is widespread job uncertainty, a permanent underclass, and a record suicide rate.
Meanwhile, none of the actual problems of our age are even being confronted. In particular, we continue to kill our biosphere at an ever increasing rate, and none of the disrupters seem to have the slightest interest in saving it - if this is even possible anymore.
Sorry, no claps. He might have been a nice man, but he was one of the many movers and shakers who led us off the cliff. Future generations will curse his name, with all the other criminally irresponsible "leaders" of our time.