This is absolutely false.
China’s birth rate is 1.62 births per woman — far less than replacement. India’s birth rate is 2.33 — a little less than replacement level for a developing country — and has been dropping fast for decades now. The birth rate in Mexico is 2.12, less than replacement. Brazil, 1.73, far less than replacement.
Of the world’s top ten population countries, 8 have birth rates below replacement level. The other two, Pakistan and Nigeria, continue to have too high (though rapidly dropping) birth rates, but do not contribute significantly to CO2 output.
Each Nigerian, for example, emits 0.44 tons of greenhouse gasses, and this number has been dropping over time. Compare and contrast with 19.4 tons for an American, which means that the United States produces well over fifty times the CO2 that Nigeria does — and this number
And, sadly, Dr. Malthus is going to step in to limit the Nigerian population before very long. Lagos is almost twenty million people, and barely functions. The country just doesn’t have the resources and organization to double its population again, and if it did, it would still not be producing even 5% of the greenhouse gasses that the US does.