This was literally one of the worst movies my wife and I ever saw.
The plot is driven by massive stupidity, over and over. I mean, come on - they bring these huge suitcases full of consumer products, and yet forget to bring the kid's insulin, which is in a belt pack which they could have, you know, put on someone's belt?
You know, I like kids rather a lot, and they just aren't that stupid in general. A plot that constantly relies on kids being stupid is lazy.
I know a child smaller than that who has diabetes, and her and her brother treat the condition with completely seriousness and attention.
(We also saw Black Box (recommended) and there was a kid there, trying to do a good job with limited resources. It was awesome.)
The two protagonists endlessly trade on their privilege as parents to get ahead over other people.
Worse, they lie to everyone to break the rules to get their kid to Greenland even though he's a diabetic and people with these conditions are strictly blocked from rescue.
Will there be insulin for the child at the South Pole? No. He will die miserably.
And finally, over the whole thing is the ridiculous idea that they'd give out random tickets to survive. Ha, ha, ha, ha!
As you point out, only the rich and connected would survive, and the likes of us would fry miserably.
I want to see some movie where aliens stalk and slowly eviscerate the richest and most powerful Americans, giving their property to the poor.