Well, let's do the math.
Google made over $300 billion in revenue last year. 80% of that is ads or over $240 billion.
Over 40% of internet users use ad blocking - that's pretty amazing but I found this in multiple places.
So the raw advertising money that is at stake here is roughly $100 billion.
Of course, Google only loses some fraction of that money.
I use an ad blocker, and my guess is that they are losing at least 90% of my money, but let's be wildly, unreasonably conservative and say that they only lose 1% of their revenue if someone uses an ad blocker.
That's $1 billion, which would pay for 2000 workers at $500k total cost each a year.
It's my belief that the 90% number would be closer, in which case they could hire 90,000 engineers at $1 million total cost each a year.
Either way, you're off by several orders of magnitude...