You offer no proof for this statement. And it is, in fact, completely false.
People live longer and healthier lives than in any time in history.
Cancer survival rates, measured in years of healthy life, continue to improve every year for almost every known cancer. Cancers that have been considered a death sentence for all of history are now survivable. Treatments are both more effective, and less destructive to the patient.
You seem to have a completely unrealistic idea of what the human condition was like before the twentieth century.
Look at the skeletons that archeology has unearthed - our ancestors had bodies racked with all the diseases we have today, including cancer, and then a bunch that we never see, like beriberi, kwashiorkor, scurvy, and rickets, due to everyone being hungry all the time and having wildly unbalanced diets consisting of what they could actually get at that particular time.
Yes, we now get diseases of abundance instead of diseases of deficiency, but overall, we are much healthier in every way.
Shakespeare lived ten years longer than the average of his era, but I am almost ten years older than he ever got to be, and I can expect twenty more years of life, with good luck.
All of those decades of extra life can be attributed to modern medicine; the germ theory of disease, vaccination, surgical techniques, diagnostic techniques, don’t forget the discovery of shock and the invention of the trauma center in my lifetime, which almost immediately saved millions!
Cancer is more common as a way of death today simply because we live so much longer overall.
Now, I have a lot of negative things to say about medicine and medicine for profit. There are many real criticisms that a rational person might make. But your criticism is not one of them.
I am alive because of modern medicine. I expect to live for years to come because of it.
You offer nothing in its place except empty and unsubstantiated claims. It is not intellectually honest; it is deceptive.
I suggest you read a history of medicine, look at where we were and where we have come. You need to appreciate that western medicine, flawed as it is, gives each of us on average almost thirty more years of healthy life, and this is a pearl beyond price.