What possibly makes you think I'm from Australia? People on the internet, heh!
I know New York State law considerably better than Florida law, it's true, but I simply looked it up, which is also how I found out about the all-ages nude beaches.
"We see you sir" - the condescension fair drips from your pen. I didn't ask you to respond to me, but sir, if you are going to do that, then you should show some civility.
No, I'm not an advocate for child abuse because I don't care about an unidentified 17-year-old possibly having taken their clothes off at a party with no other details at all. If there were any actual evidence at all of harm, I'd be all over it, but you don't even have a hint of it.
My point is simple, but you aren't getting it, so let me repeat it a third time: spend your time and effort on things that might score a solid and practical win, not possible misdemeanors you can't even name and that wouldn't swing any undecided voters even if it were provable.
This poor use of limited resources is a multigenerational issue with the Democratic Party: they are more interested in maintaining the appearance of a moral high ground than actually winning and legislating.
Given the terrible consequences of more losses after the tremendous losses the Democrats have already incurred to the Gross Old Psychopaths, you would think that harping on minutia would be irresponsible and defeat-oriented, but after enduring decades of US politics, it is sadly unsurprising to me.
Let us hope, for everyone's sake!, that the Democrats manage to de-rectumify their craniums in time to score some major wins this November.
You're impolite, obtuse, and also ponderous and dull so unless you become more civil, develop better reading skills, or become more entertaining, don't expect a response from me.