While I appreciate the article, it gets no claps from me, as you mostly whitewashed the role of Union Carbide in this mass murder.
There were gross problems on record for years. Senior management knew and didn't care.
In particular, once they knew they had a serious spill on their hands, plant management decided not to run the emergency siren, because there was a potential fine. That one decision cost thousands of lives.
Then Union Carbide secretly snuck the murderers out of India. UC and the US government then spent over a decade delaying any form of restitution. Finally, India was forced to accept pennies on the dollar, and then a sitting Senator made fun of them for how little they took, saying it showed how cheap life was in India.
There are far more details, each more nauseating than the last.
I lived in New York City for thirty years. While the WTC will always be the great tragedy for me, objectively Bhopal was a much bigger tragedy, not just because it killed more people, but because it permanently crippled ten times as many more.
If you changed your article to include some of these damning details, I'd be happy to applaud rather a lot.