You are quite right - you are only a bit younger than me, squirt.
And what a very nice answer, have you more claps.
I agree very strongly that if you go further back, things got a lot worse. I mean, forget about Wilson, what about Andrew Jackson, or the entire North Atlantic slave trade!
My reading is that things got slowly better until around 1950, then there was a brief flowering until 1980, and then it all went to shit again, and my reading is it's going to go straight down until the climate catastrophe knocks our entire biosphere into a cocked hat.
I try to see it as a gift from a perverse and evil God to try to make me actually happy that my life is running out, because everything's going to be so much worse after I'm gone. But it doesn't work, take that God! ("If God lived on Earth, people would break all his windows." -old Jewish proverb)
A truly beautiful and sad song by the Clash is very appropriate here.
If you are ever here in Amsterdam, let me buy you cannabis or beer and we can sit beside a canal and complain about lost hopes and the price of eggs.