You: "Everything I say is true, because I say so! You should need no more evidence than my unsupported word, because I, MAX DANCONA, decree it."
The IPCC report says otherwise. Given the choice between the world's scientific institutions, and some rando on the Internet, I'm going with the science.
To rebut what I say, please use sources from the IPCC report. Yes, I know the IPCC report says survival is possible but you are claiming quite the reverse - that we aren't in existential danger.
PROVE YOUR CLAIMS ABOUT SCIENCE. Your unsupported word is less than worthless.
Monsters walk the Earth today. They work tirelessly with their lies to prevent us from taking any action against the climate crisis. It's likely that it's already too late to prevent disaster, but they keep going and will keep going until we stop them.
To see one of them, take a look in a mirror.