You live in an evil fantasy world. This is a dirty lie.
> Cambodia was not bombed.
You live in an evil fantasy world. This is a dirty lie.
The US was never at war with these two countries and yet they got bombed.
Yes, after Cambodia was repeatedly carpet bombed, it fell into chaos and death under the Khmer Rouge. Cambodia recovered on her own and is now a constitutional monarchy.
And who gave you the right to invade all these countries? You're saying that America has the unilateral right to invade countries against international law - the same international law that the US basically wrote after WW2.
I'm sick of evil people such as yourself.
I can see you now, alone in your pathetic house, your life wasted on lies and hatred. Everything smells like piss and shit, and the floor is covered with garbage.
Very soon, old age will take you. You will realize on your deathbed that your life was completely wasted on hatred and lies; that everyone who knew you will be happier that you are gone, that no one will remember you a day after your stinking body goes into its forgotten grave.
You're blocked. I'm out of time for psychopaths today. I will not see any responses from you.
Have fun with the age, senescence, pain, and humiliation that will characterize the rest of your life.